February 2024
Update on Our Path Out of Poverty Initiative
Local Reach at The Point challenges us to look beyond ourselves to the people around us and share the love of Christ as we serve and connect with our community. Local Reach will channel its full energy behind the Path Out of Poverty initiative, weaving together practical support with gospel-centered programs to empower and uplift individuals and families from financial hardship. As we continue to develop the programs for the Gospel-Centered Path Out of Poverty initiative, we're excited to share the progress with Access Point, The HUB, Mentorship, and The Academy. Here's a brief overview of our progress and how you can be a part of this transformative journey.
The Building Downtown
The architects and engineers are finalizing their initial assessment over the next couple of weeks. Our primary area of focus has been to assess the structural integrity of the balcony in the sanctuary. It appears that the balcony is secure and structurally sound, which is amazing for a 135-year-old building. The next step is to finalize renovation plans and estimates. We are on track to close within the next 60 days. Keep praying for a smooth close.
Access Point
Access Point is designed to serve those already serving those in need. This includes providing practical support to educators that are on the front lines of serving kids in need. Our Thursday Knitting Small Group generously donated 98 knitted stocking caps! These warm essentials were promptly delivered to Mountain View Elementary School to support children in need. Additionally, we've received 50 teacher appreciation bags so far this year. If you and your family or small group are eager to make a tangible difference, consider joining our Flexible Serving opportunities. Learn more and get involved here: Flexible Opportunities to Serve
The HUB is to be the “community help-desk” connecting those in need to existing services. Currently, there is no central connection point for the 850 non-profits serving Albermarle, Fluvanna, Augusta, Green and Louisa counties. Our HUB team has identified key focus areas for the program launch. These include housing, job placement, skill development, and transportation, which are based on the most common requests from our community members seeking assistance.
Outreach efforts have been initiated to establish partnerships with local organizations. These connections will enable us to leverage additional resources and support individuals in need, more effectively.
Pathway Mentorship
In-school mentorship through our Pathway Mentorship program fosters one-on-one gospel-centered relationships, offering students a vision for a future beyond poverty and nurturing a character grounded in faith. Recently, the Mentorship team had the privilege of visiting North Point Community Church and their Intersect Project to learn from their successful 11-year-old mentorship program. Valuable insights were gained and materials were provided that will shape the foundation of our own program. A comprehensive planning schedule with key milestones is being further developed to pave the way for a planned launch in October 2024.
The Academy
The Academy is an entrepreneurial and business training program designed to empower our underserved neighbors with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed as entrepreneurs, fostering long-term economic independence and breaking the cycle of poverty through a foundation of biblical truths. Members of our Entrepreneurship Academy team recently attended a facilitator training program at Corner to Corner in Nashville. This immersive experience provided valuable insights into program facilitation and preparation. The team is currently reaching out to community resources to build awareness for the program, which will start taking applications in July for an August 2024 launch.
We are grateful to those who have already expressed an interest and desire to serve within these various programs. Next month, we will be sharing more opportunities where you can get involved. In the meantime, to stay up-to-date, please sign up here.