The mission of The Intentional Life is to impact relationships & communities by providing a framework of discipleship that connects, supports, & guides others into intimacy with Jesus.
Response is the conscious decision to follow Jesus Christ, encompassing the acts of repentance, belief, and surrender. It is the initial and ongoing commitment to embrace Jesus as Lord and Savior, marked by milestones such as salvation and baptism. This step signifies a transformative shift in one's life direction, aligning one's heart and will with the teachings and love of Christ.
The Rhythms are the daily and weekly practices that cultivate a deeper relationship with God and a gospel-centered life. These practices include spending time with God through prayer and Bible study, participating in corporate worship, engaging in gospel-centered community, serving others with your gifts, and trusting God with your finances. Rhythm is about integrating these spiritual disciplines into your life consistently, creating a structured yet dynamic pattern of living intentionally for God.
Spending Time with God Daily
Encountering God’s Presence in Worship with Others
Engaging in Gospel-Centered Community
Making a Difference with Your Gifts
Trusting God with Your Finances
Reach is the proactive effort to extend the message and love of Jesus to others in a practical way. It reflects the commitment to influence and impact others with the Good News, leading them to their own response and integration into the rhythms of faith. It emphasizes the call to make disciples and bring transformative change across different spheres of life and regions of the world.