Today’s blog is written by Helen Lockwood
A New Family
Scripture Reading: “A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation. God sets the lonely in families.” Ps. 68:5-6b
Growing up in a tiny south Louisiana town, my life was filled with family. We were wonderfully close-knit with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all living within one mile of each other. Christmas and Thanksgiving, birthdays, hand-cranked ice cream, and summer watermelons were all occasions to be shared and enjoyed by everyone.
Now with the quickly passing years, my family looks quite different. Although I have a great husband and am truly blessed by him and his lovely family, my own grandparents, parents, and favorite aunts and uncles have all passed on. Others are not as close as before, and my only child is now absent from me. Are you ready for some good news?
We read in Philippians that “God shall supply all our needs . . . in Christ Jesus,” and He has met my need for a family with a small group of women at The Point who share with me their community, conversation, companionship and prayers. We sometimes travel together or share a meal, but more importantly, we share our hearts. Connected and drawn together by one Lord Jesus Christ and one kindred Spirit, we are blessed.
It would be difficult to express here what this group has meant to me, but I can truthfully say that it is my privilege and joy to be known and accepted by these exceptional women. They are indeed like family in many ways, and a vivid reminder of God’s constant love and provision in my life.
If you’ve been attending The Point but have not yet connected to a community group, please consider it. Our Lord is waiting to supply your need for community and it will be a tremendous blessing in your life. Remember Jesus’ words in Luke’s gospel, “Seek and you shall find.” Step out now, seek and discover all that God has for you and you will find that place where you are known and accepted, your place to belong.
Prayer: I praise you, Lord, for your goodness and faithfulness towards your children. I am especially grateful for my church and the opportunities for spiritual growth that it affords each one of us. Help me each day to give and receive Your love, and to recognize the importance and benefits of walking in community with other Christians. Make me more aware of all that you have for me and give me the wisdom and courage to reach out and seize these blessings, to your glory and honor. Amen