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The Point Essentials - Find Next Steps and Announcements Here



Today’s Reading

“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him,

    on those who hope in his steadfast love,

 that he may deliver their soul from death

    and keep them alive in famine.” (Psalm 33:18-19 ESV)

“Daddy, look at me!” my sweet toddler says as she hangs from our living room chair. There is sheer joy on her face when she knows I’m watching. But I also notice the anxiety she feels when she thinks I don’t see her. There have been times on the playground or playing around the house when she runs into trouble and needs my help, but panic fills her heart and worry floods over her face as she frantically searches for me before I softly remind her, “I’m right here.”

I’m not a toddler anymore and I have realized hard human realities like the fading applause, the end of a season, or abandonment. These cold feelings can lead to wondering “Does anyone really see me? Do I matter? As adults, we can sometimes find ourselves demanding God’s attention, “Daddy, look at me! Do you see me here? Do you see what I’m dealing with here? Do you even care?”

If you’ve felt like a shadow in a crowd or invisible to someone or everyone, the hope we have in Jesus is that God does see us.

Adrian Rogers captures this truth well in such distinct language.

He’s up there on the mountain looking down. He sees right through the dark. You can’t see Him, but He sees you. […] And that thing that looks like it’s going to be over your head is already under His feet.

God sees you right where you are, even if no one else does. You don’t have to demand God’s attention. You already have it. When your hope is in His steadfast love, there is peace in the words, “I’m right here.”


Considering how God sees you, take a moment and think about how he feels about you. After you’ve reminded yourself of His overwhelming compassion, ask yourself, “If God sees me, how do I see God?”


God, thank you for seeing me when it feels like no one else does. Thank you for not only knowing what I’m going through but caring for me enough to help me through it and overcome it. Help me to see you more clearly and help me to see how you are working in my circumstances. In Jesus’ name… 
