Scripture Reading: “You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14 NIV) “He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle.” (Isaiah 42:3 NLT)
“Father God, if I’m the light of the world, then I must be failing You.” Do you ever find yourself thinking or praying something like that? It can be hard to believe Jesus’ declaration when you feel more like a smoking match. The truth is, regardless of how you feel, His plan for you has not changed. You are actually positioned to be stoked by His Spirit.
Keep in mind the Lord is not disappointed when you feel burned out. He knows we can grow weary, discouraged, and disheartened. Life spins us through cycles of wins and losses, joy and grief, and every day can hold innumerable highs and lows. He has lived here just like us and His soul was put to the test as well. Perhaps this is one reason why He tells us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28 NIV) He understands.
The prophet Isaiah gave us this image: “He will not... put out a flickering candle.” (Isaiah 42:3) The Lord sees you flickering away and feels compassion for you. It reminds me of the burning candles we may hold during a candlelight service (or the smoke-free alternative… glow sticks). You protect that little flame by surrounding it with your cupped hand. That is how the Lord carries you, close to Himself and covered. That’s grace. You are accepted as you are even when you are barely smoldering. He tends to you until your soul is energized by His love, burning for others to see Him.
Relief comes when you open yourself to the Lord’s constant love. His love becomes your fuel. Pause from the noise of your day to consider how He has rescued you. Remember His faithfulness in past trials. Notice the beauty of His creation surrounding you and the things you enjoy that He’s given to you. Let His Word roll around in your mind. When you consider Him, who is light and love, the Holy Spirit ignites within you. You are a carrier of His light and love in the world.
Father God, thank You that Your Word says those who look to You for help will be radiant with joy. I look to You. Please ignite my love and help me to burn brightly for You today. It is in Jesus Christ’s name that I pray, amen.