International REACH
At The Point, we firmly believe that any vision that fails to encompass reaching the world is too limited in scope. We are deeply committed to joining hands with church planters and ministries across the globe who are actively making a significant impact in their respective communities.
Our partnership extends far beyond mere words; it is a tangible expression of support and solidarity that encompasses various aspects such as prayer, encouragement, collecting essential items, providing financial assistance, and even mobilizing teams to offer hands-on assistance.
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International REACH Partners
FIRM is a non-profit organization based in Jerusalem that serves a network of almost 60 ministries and organizations in Israel who share a passion for reaching Israelis with the Gospel. FIRM connects believers around the world to Israel and strengthens, unites, and resources local ministries in the land of Israel.
Go and Tell Ministries is focused on reaching the people of Cuba through outreach, evangelism, discipleship, and humanitarian aid. The Point is partnering with Go and Tell to build a ministry center in the community of Los Pinos, a suburb of Havana.
GTi Hope focuses on bringing hope to South Asia by training and equipping indigenous leaders. Some of their cornerstones include:
Conducting transformational literacy classes
Assisting school expansion
VBS for children featuring lessons in ethics, morals, and encouraging songs
Providing individuals & fellowships with income generating enterprises which encourage self support
Seedtime and Harvest is based on evangelizing the “lower end” of society – those who live as outcasts due to their addictions, cartel work, or abandonment by absent parents. These people are won through rehab centers, soccer programs, education programs, and social assistance. The Point partners with Seedtime and Harvest to support pastors, ministry leaders, and church planters.
Mercy Medical Center is focused on caring for the refugees of the decade-long Syrian civil war as an outreach of a local church. The Point has partnered with refugee relief as Mercy Medical Center provides medical care, trauma counseling, childhood education, and humanitarian aid items to these victims of war.
Feed My Lambs seeks to meet the physical and spiritual needs of children in Nicaragua. They believe that the only way to break the cycle of poverty and bring change to the sense of hopelessness that exists amongst the poor is to start with the children and bring them into a relationship with Jesus—the one true hope for the world. The Point partners with Feed My Lambs to support children’s outreach and feeding programs.
Catch the Vision River Ministry, based outside of Iquitos, is ministering in over 80 river villages scattered throughout the Amazon region. The Point has partnered with World Help and Catch the Vision to provide modular training sessions to over 50 church planters.
ABSC is focused on reaching the Aeta people who are the outcast of Filipino society. Most Aetas are denied education and medical care. The ministry’s vision is to teach the future generations of the Aeta people through the power of the practical gospel. The Point partners with ABSC to support pastors and plant churches in remote Aeta Villages.
Impact Poland serves as support to the largest collaboration network of churches in Poland. The goal is to strengthen and equip Polish evangelical pastors, leaders, churches and ministries. There are only 0.2% evangelical Christians in Poland and Impact Poland serves as national platform to grow the church by collaboration in leadership development, church planting and discipleship. With “Vision 2050” they’re looking to plant 4,300 churches and grow the number of evangelical Christians in Poland by 500%.
The mission of African Children’s Mission is to reach out to children in destitute circumstances, both physically and with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to enable them to grow and develop in a secure environment, using Christian values and principles as the foundation of its ministry and programs, guiding them into a responsible, productive life, and discipling them through word and example. ACM partners with local churches and communities to provide support through child-sponsorships, discipleship, education, school feeding programs, pastor training, medical clinics, providing access to clean water, and so much more.
Partner Organizations
The Point partners with two US-based mission organizations: Advancing Native Missions and World Help. These amazing organizations help us in building all our international partnerships and in planning all of our trips.
Advancing Native Missions
ANM is a US-based agency called to seek out, evaluate, and equip native (or indigenous) mission groups throughout the world in order to hasten global evangelization. ANM is a bridge between the native missionaries in the field and Christians in the West, initiating and fostering relationships between individuals, organizations, and churches and those native missionaries who have demonstrated their effectiveness in reaching the remaining unreached across the nations.
World Help
World Help is a Christian humanitarian organization committed to serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished countries around the world.
“Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”