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Faith Over Fear

As I was taking a walk, I stopped to chat with a neighbor, and we mentioned that we missed visiting with each other. She suggested we could sit on my porch at a distance, but since I feel the cold easily, that doesn’t work for me in the winter. I offered to invite her into my house, but she quickly responded with a fearful, “No, I don’t go into anybody’s house right now. We haven’t seen our children and grandchildren in a long time.” I completely understand her fear - this disease can be deadly. 

So we turn to God and what He says. We try to live our lives trusting Him especially in the hard situations in our lives. He says repeatedly “Do not fear, be anxious for nothing.” We want to live our lives obeying what He says and trusting Him rather than living in fear. 

There needs to be a balance between just trusting that we will not get the virus and, therefore, living without any caution (going anyplace we want, being with many people) or going the opposite way and giving into fear that cripples us, leaving us terrified. 

What does God say to us about fear and living with His wisdom? 

“So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isa. 41:10

We can depend on the absolute truth that God is with us and He will strengthen and help us.  There is no maybe about it. When fear assails, and it will, we can put our faith in this truth. Take time to affirm this truth to yourself – God is with me so I don’t need to let fear cripple me.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:6-7

Anxiety and fear will come given the current environment in which we live. But when it comes, this verse tells us what to do. Bring our fear to God in prayer with thanksgiving that He is in control in every situation, including COVID, and then experience His peace to guard our hearts and minds.

So as you stop letting fear guide your life, there is still the question of how to live in a world with COVID. Pastor Gabe has been preaching much about God’s wisdom as we study Proverbs. Rather than fear guiding us, we want God’s wisdom to guide us.  James 1:5-6 tells us to ask God in faith without doubting for wisdom and it will be given. When you are not sure what to do, where to go, and where not to go, what people you can see, seek God for His wisdom. He promises to guide us. He will guide through His Word, His Spirit and counsel of others.

“Heavenly Father, I am thankful that You are sovereign and You have not given me a spirit of fear but power, love and a sound mind. I confess that sometimes I have let fear guide me during this time. Thank You Lord for forgiving me because of Jesus’ death for me. I put my trust in You and seek to hear Your wisdom through Your Word, Your Spirit and counsel of others. Use my life during this time to reveal You to others.”
