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A Love Story

Scripture Reading

  “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Ps. 118.24 NKJV)

This verse in Psalm 118 is one of my favorites.  For me, this simple verse sums up everything I know and believe in my walk with our Lord.  HE is the one in charge.  HE gives us the gift of life and gives us grace each day - grace that we can’t even comprehend.  During the last 2 months I have seen the wonder of this verse in a very beautiful way.

On January 5th, 2020 one of my friends suffered a brain aneurism or brain bleed that left her in a coma with a very dire prognosis.  For several days after the initial trauma she continued to suffer additional bleeding and brain damage.   Her family was devastated, terrified, exhausted and humbled by their inability to do anything but watch as the medical experts and care team worked day and night to help her survive.  She spent weeks in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and was moved to a Stepdown Unit while still in a coma.  Their family was strong in faith and called on the Lord frequently to get them through the minutes, hours and days, praying for a miracle.  From the hospital they sent out pleas for prayer, prayed literally without ceasing and I often saw them circling her bed with heads bowed.  They prayed for their own patience as they longed to have their wife, sister, mom and Gigi back within the arms of their family.

What I saw from the outside was an incredible strength emerge through the power of their prayers.   I saw a beautiful love story unfolding.  Her family and friends formed a system to make sure she had 24-hour companionship.  Her husband reminded us that whatever happened, God was the one in control and God should be the one given glory for the gift of her life over the years and their marriage.  I saw Psalm 118:24 being lived out every day as they reminisced and rejoiced in her life lived and were so grateful for each additional day.   As the weeks wore on the family continued their watch and their wait, and they prayed.  Her daughters grieved but tried to remain patient. 

Matthew 11: 28-30 – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  On her 70th birthday she was moved to a rehabilitation center.

After her move to the rehab center little things started to happen.  She wiggled her toes.  She moved her left hand for the first time.  She smiled.  When her daughters came to visit, she seemed to track their movement with her eyes.  They continued to pray.

This last week, she was able to mouth her name when asked by a therapist and take sips of water.   Towards the end of the week she mouthed the words, “I love you” to her husband and reached for his arm.  To the family this was their miracle that only God could have done, and I am once again reminded that each day is an incredible gift and we should rejoice and be glad in the love of our Heavenly Father.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this day and the beauty that comes with it.  We are so grateful for you and for your healing and for the lessons of love that you teach us through all kinds of situations.  We are humbled by your power and your grace and we honor you above all things.  In your precious name we pray, AMEN.