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Looking for Joy

Scripture: Joy is gone from our hearts; our dancing has turned to mourning. Lamentations 5:15

Is it really that bad? She was old. She lived a long life. She loved me. She didn’t suffer. She was only sick for 17 days.  All of those things make logical sense and yet I am still mourning. My 91-year-old mother passed away this past March after a 17 day illness. I always thought that if someone was old then it wasn’t a big deal to lose them. I have learned that it doesn’t work that way. Loss is loss. As I face this first Christmas without my mom and see how challenging it is, I am newly aware of all of the people I know who have lost loved ones in the past. Was I kind and considerate during their “firsts” for the next year or two? I am ashamed to say I don’t know that I was. I want to do better. I want to open my eyes and be considerate of anyone who is alone or facing challenges.

There is so much to be thankful for in remembering my mom. She truly did live a long life. She was blessed to only suffer a few weeks.  This isn’t everyone’s story. They may lose someone tragically in an instant or suffer with them for years before it is finally over. The Lord uses every challenge in my life and gives me the opportunity to grow better or to become bitter. There are few guarantees in life, but one is for certain, we will all experience loss. I don’t want to go through this season with a sad face and a heavy heart. My mother loved Christmas! I know that she would want me to carry on and continue to enjoy my life. I pray that I will open my eyes and see those who are going through a hard time. I want to be used by the Lord to offer a listening ear or do something with them or for them that will bring them joy. I am grateful for the legacy my mother left of caring and giving. 


Lord, open my eyes to those who are hurting around me. Help me to show compassion and love. Thank you for the gift of Jesus. In Jesus name. Amen.