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My Back to School Prayer

Today’s Reading
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
-1 Peter 5:6-7 ESV

Every year in late July and early August we prepare for children and students to go back to school. Public schools, private schools, home schools and specialty schools, are all preparing for another school year, another group of students, and another set of joys, challenges, accomplishments, and failures.

As eager as I am to see the yellow buses making their morning and afternoon routes, I cannot help but feel the burden and weight that many others feel in anticipation of this new season. “What friends will my kid make? What issues will we run into this year? What if the worst happens?” Questions like these are exhausting and heavy and even if they might be real questions you have, in the end they generate an unhealthy burden that we are not meant to carry.

We are called to cast our anxieties on Him. He loves and cares for us and asks only that we humble ourselves under His mighty hand. So, my back to school prayer is just that. To the teacher/educator, that you would have the strength and courage to speak grace and truth into the life of every student that God is trusting you with this year (Prov 15:2, 4). To the parent/guardian, that you would cast your insecurities on Him and trust the Holy Spirit with your child, praying hard and often for your children (1 Sam 1:27; Matt 19:13). To the student/child, that you would understand your need for Jesus, encourage your peers with positivity and a godly example (1 Tim 4:12) and impact the community around you by influencing your friend groups for the glory of God. And to the church, that you would encourage our younger family members and invest in them through prayer, relationship, and a godly role model (Luke 18:16; Eph 3:20-21).

What might God do in your life this year if you had no fear or worry? How might God be speaking to you now in a season of anticipation? Is God developing something within you, considering those around you?

Thank you Lord for your grace and truth; how it sustains me. Thank you for never abandoning me or leaving me in my sin. Search my heart and take my burdens. Rid me of my pride and selfish ambitions. Help me to live for you and lead the younger ones around me. In Jesus’ name; amen.