Today’s Reading
“So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom).” (2 Corinthians 3:17 AMP)
Many of us struggle to accept the freedom we have in Christ. We find freedom from bondage and experience the abundant life God has for us, only when we rest in Christ and not the laws of man. This freedom is evident when people can rejoice in the liberty purchased for them by the Lord, and see the rest it brings to their souls. When we live according to the Holy Spirit standing firm in freedom from bondage, it brings wholeness and liberty to our lives.
When we turn from freedom we are essentially obligating ourselves “to keep the whole Law.” (Galatians 5:3) There is no chance that we’re ever going to be able to do that. It makes us focused on what “I” can do verses what Christ has done. To turn back to bondage, we would not be living where Christ is operating. If you add anything to Christ, you lose Christ. We must not remain enslaved to the world’s lie that our value and worth are based upon our performance. We can never be good enough on our own. His yoke is easy; in the original Greek this word means kind and gracious. (Matthew 11:30) Turning to the Law takes away the grace that gives us our freedom.
If we are ever going to experience freedom, we must begin to see ourselves as free. Do you see yourself as free? Freedom truly starts and takes place in our mind, which goes to our heart. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)
We must renew our mind with God’s Word that tells of our identity in Christ. Are you in the Word each day, allowing Christ to fill you with His truth? We no longer need the Law to keep us in God’s will, we have the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Are you living in the freedom Christ gives you? Christ died to set us free from bondage. You are beloved in His eyes, and His desire for you is to live in freedom.
Father, we love and adore You, and thank You for your Son. Allow us to always see the freedom You have given each of us, and keep us from ever turning back to bondage. Let us feel and know the deep love You have for us, even to give Your only Son to set us free. Amen.