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Listen to His Voice

Scripture Reading: My child, we will go together, and I will be your Guide. I will be “the Light unto your feet and the Lamp unto your path.” (Psalm 119:105)

A couple of days ago, my 3 year old son terrified my wife and me when he hopped on his little balance bike, locked his gaze on the horizon, and took off out of the driveway and down the street. Our 10 year old daughter and our 14 year old nephew had just left a few minutes prior on a bike ride, but they were well out of sight.

My 7 months pregnant wife was in no position to run after him, and she called out to him in vain as he blazed a trail into the sunset. I was outside at the time and heard the commotion, and a split second later I was tearing through the front yard, hot on his heels—or wheels.

I yelled at him to stop, some obvious desperation in my voice. But my voice fell on deaf ears as my determined little fellow only seemed to pick up speed as he rolled down the dangerous street.

Thankfully, there were no cars anywhere around on a road where the speed limit is 40 MPH. As I finally caught up to him, I could see the determined look in his eyes as his little legs pushed him further down the street.

I finally was able to run past him and stop him in his tracks. You know that moment, the overwhelming emotion running through you as you search for words? There I was, grabbing a firm hold of his handle bars as I jumped in front of his little blue bike.

“Buddy, you can’t just go into the road without Momma or Daddy!! You have to have someone with you!”

His fists clenched around his little handlebars, his eyes filled with fury almost looking through me, his cheeks burning with anger, huge crocodile tears began to fall as he choked out, “You are BLOCKING my WAY!”

I sat with him and talked with him for a minute, embracing him as he stood on his little balance bike on the side of the road.

I asked him if he wanted me to go with him so he could go for a bike ride, and through his tears he finally nodded yes. We took off down the road together, me running next to him as he continued his dire mission to find his sister and cousin, and join them.

Many times we take off on our own, without God. He pleads with us, even raises His voice at us, as we blaze further down the road away from Him. As we further recklessly endanger ourselves and push down our own path, He pursues us, ultimately jumping in front of us and stopping us in our tracks. We don’t understand, we clench our fists and burn with anger and confusion. WHY God?

Have you ever heard His voice after you have taken off without Him? Have you ever looked back and seen how He had tried to stop you gently, tried to show you the way? Have you ever wished you had heeded God’s voice, and maybe the hardship and the destruction in your life could have been avoided?

Walk with the Lord and seek His guidance, and He will walk with you as you honor His will for your life.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, guide my path as I walk with you daily.  Help me to know Your will for my life.  Amen.