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Even the Small Things

Today’s Reading: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV)

One of my favorite things about this scripture is the emphasis on all. It doesn’t say some or a few, but all. This is such a sweet reminder to all of us that God cares about even the smallest of moments during our day. 

As I prepare to kick off another school year, I’m often reminded of the many ways that small things matter. Students notice the high-fives given, the hugs during a rough day, and the waves they see as they board the busses in the afternoon. I used to overlook these moments, until I realized that these actions have a huge impact in the success of their daily routine. To some people, these small gestures may be insignificant. But, to the students, they make a world of difference during their day. 

In the same way that teachers and staff focus on doing the small things to brighten a child’s day, our Father in heaven loves to see us give that same care and diligence to our actions. I love that this scripture mentions eating, drinking, and whatever we do throughout our day. It led me to think: How often do I work to honor God with everything I do? Do I take time to pause throughout the day and check my own actions and attitude? 

Reflection: Think about your daily routine. How do you honor God in what you do? What moments can you examine more closely, so they bring God glory? 

Prayer: God, I am so thankful for each day you give to me. Thank you for the reminder that you care about even the smallest of actions that I take. Continue to guide me, so that every part of my day brings glory to you.  Help me to walk with you, hear your voice, and let my actions reflect your work in my life. Amen.