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Staying Positive in a World that’s Increasingly Negative

Scripture Reading:  A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17: 22

Part of being happy is having and maintaining a positive attitude.  I thank God for being a God of delivered promises.  He never said our lives would be easy, but He promised He would walk beside us and carry our burdens if we let Him.

My earliest memories of being positive were ones reinforced by my mom.  Simply put, we were not allowed to be negative! When mom went on her “being positive” rant, we glued our mouths shut, focused our eyes on her and took our tough love.  After our lecture we said “Yes ma’am” and then retreated to our rooms. You bet there was eye rolling and sticking our tongues out when shecouldn’t see us! Just because I was taught to be positive doesn’t mean that it was easy, nor did I always want to be.  It’s really a life-long practice that leads to joy and contentment. Any habit worth cultivating requires practice and do-overs, over and over again!  Here are a few things that have made me more successful in maintaining a positive attitude.

1. Spend time with God daily and pray about anything and everything.  Ask God to change your heart and mind.  Several years ago I attended a Point Women’s Day and we were given a key and chain to remind us to allow God free access to our heart and to unlock any doors for him to enter and create heart change.  Since then that key hangs from my car mirror. Every time I am in my car I am reminded of this. I hold the key and tell God it is his and to use it and create the heart in me He wants.  

2. Do a 30 day thankful/grateful journal.  Each day write 3 things you are thankful or grateful for. Meditate and pray thanks over them. I did this 3 years ago inDecember and that journaling changed my life for the better.  I found I was blessed beyond belief!

3. Change your dialogue.  “I can’t” becomes “I will”.  “I have to” becomes “I get to” and I really use this one, usually every Monday!  I find myself saying I don’t want to go to work today.  Quickly I change that to I get to go to work today!  I get up and dressed in a cozy home with clothes to choose from and I get to jump in a car with gas to go and serve where I work.  I have an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life by showing a positive attitude and having a merry heart!

4. If you are able, set aside a little piece of change each month to give away.  I just started this January 2020.  It allows me to give a small blessing to someone I know, don’t know, or to a favorite charity.  It gives me an opportunity to speak life into another person,allows me to love my neighbor and share the blessings God has given to me. If your finances don’t allow, look for service opportunities in your community.  Your time can be just what someone may need.

I’m thankful for my parents who practiced tough love on me.  It may have taken years for me to realize their wisdom and the gifts that produced.  I’m thankful for times when I had poor health, God has completely healed me.  He is not finished with me and he is not finished with you!  If you need some further verses for thought see: Prov15:15, 1 Tim 6:6, Is 55:12, Ps 16:11, Neh 8:10.

Prayer:  Father God, Thank you for showing me that positivity is a journey and not a destination.  Help me to focus on what you have provided and given to me.  May I always see my cup as full, running over with your blessings.  Help me to always offer a smile, a kind word and a helping hand to others.  May who you are be reflected in my actions. Amen.