Just Hold A Baby? — The Point header#title { display: none; }

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Just Hold A Baby?

Scripture VerseWhatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Ecc. 9:10a

As a mother of only one child – a daughter who has no children of her own – I confess to having an occasional case of “Grandma Envy”!  I have often longed to have a little one of my own to hold, kiss, care for and love, and have sometimes jealously watched my friends doting on their precious grandchildren, spending time with them, and talking enthusiastically about them as they share their photographs and stories.  While I can rejoice in their happiness and blessings, my own desires and disappointments are still there, lurking just beneath the surface of my emotions.

Shortly after joining The Point, I remember vividly that one Sunday Pastor Gabe brought out a large fishing net onto the stage and invited several Point volunteers to come out and hold the net with him.  He encouraged each of us in the congregation to “Get your hands on the net” and find the right place to volunteer.  He mentioned several areas where there were needs, and began commending those who served in each area.  He ended his list of compliments with “And they’re rockin’ it out in Kids Point!”  I was thinking at the time that I would like to find some type of administrative or office work – something I was used to doing during the week at my job, and something I would enjoy.

A year or so went by, and again one Sunday morning Pastor Gabe made an appeal for volunteers.  He discussed several opportunities, emphasizing that each one was important.  He said, “Even if you just hold a baby,” God can use you.  The Holy Spirit immediately tapped me on the shoulder, reminding me of my longing to have grandchildren in my life, and suggesting that Kids Point might just be the answer.  It was exciting to think that on Sunday mornings I could actually take care of, play with, and hold babies – what fun for a wannabe grandmother like me!

God’s wisdom never ceases to amaze me.  I loved it, and before long I, too, was “rockin’ it out in Kids Point” with my precious little ones.  The ministry there is, of course, to provide these infants with a safe and nurturing environment, meeting their needs, and keeping them entertained, fed, changed, and hopefully happy.  But the parents of the children are also blessed.  It is because of the Kids Point volunteers they know they can attend the church service and focus on worshipping God without worry or distraction.  

But for me, I’m the one who receives the greatest blessing of all just to have these children in my life on Sunday mornings.  For an hour or so I’m needed, my arms are filled, my spirit is delighted, and my heart is warmed and satisfied.  While I’m busy providing for the needs of others, the Lord is graciously meeting my own needs with love and joy.

Jesus spoke these words in Matt. 25:40, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”  Perhaps you are currently volunteering at The Point and feeling somewhat discouraged about the value of your contribution.  Please know that everything you do is needed and appreciated.  Every effort you make is pleasing to God.  And if someone asks you about your ministry, please don’t say, “I just direct traffic,” or “I just pour coffee,” or I just tear down, or “I just hold a baby.”  What you do is much more than that – so much more!

Prayer“O Lord, I thank you for placing me in a church where I am taught, nurtured, and inspired - a church where I am invited and encouraged to minister.  May everything I do, no matter what it might be, bring glory to your name and serve you, as well as my fellow believers.  I ask you to open my eyes to see the needs of others around me each day, and give me a servant’s heart that is filled with humility and compassion.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
