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Standing Firm | Feel Free Blog - Day 3

Today’s Reading
“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1 NASB)

“Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.” (2 Corinthians 1:21-22 NASB)

I used to practice martial arts when I was younger. For the dojo that I was a part of, once you established the fundamental movements, the higher ranks would begin teaching you how to fight. But, part of learning how to fight is learning how to take a hit. You see, I was one of the smaller guys in my age group, so I was easily knocked over after taking a large blow to the head or abdomen. I’ll never forget one day, one of the best fighters in the dojo showed me how to take a hit and not be knocked down.

The key is in your stance. A wider stance with slightly bent knees creates more stability. So the lower you can get to the ground with your stance, the more stable you will be. Knowing this allowed me to stand firm in the fiercest of fights.

There are inevitably times in life when we lose our footing. It’s part of being human. Sometimes you may even feel like you’ve just been knocked down. But Paul teaches us that the solution is in your stance. Standing firm keeps us close to our foundation. And what we stand on determines how we stand. Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians that God establishes, anoints, and seals us with Christ when we surrender our lives to Him. This is a solid foundation; a fortress for refuge; a solid rock worth standing on. (Psalm 18:2) As if that weren’t enough, He gives us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as proof that His grace is sufficient. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

The bottom line is, you are not alone in this fight. The One who is with you guarantees your freedom and victory. There is confidence and security in knowing that God has promised to come through for us. Remembering that we are promised eternity with Him gives us the strength and ability to stand firm on the rock of our salvation.

Take a moment and consider how solid the salvation of the Lord is. Think about the proof of God’s Word in your heart in the form of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to show you the reasons why you sometimes stumble or lose your stance. Pray for confidence and awareness of who God is so that you can stand firm in all circumstances.

Thank you, Father, for dying on the cross for my sins and guaranteeing that I may one day be in Your presence for eternity. Help me to stand firm in the shaky times of my life. Help me to resist the enemy and help me to push forward, beyond the darkness of this world. God, I pray that my stance would be evidence of Your power and that You would give me the strength I need to withstand temptation. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.