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Are We There Yet?

Scripture Reading: “Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:4

“Are we there yet?”  What parents haven’t heard these back-seat words and breathed a thankful sigh of relief when they finally got “there?” Unfortunately, with the focus on getting “there,” we often miss the “here” - the beautiful scenery of a side trip; funny, out-of-tune road trip songs; or indulgent travel snacks! 

 Well, here we are in November, 2020… it’s been quite a trip, to say the least! But are we there yet? Have we breathed that thankful sigh? Will we be thankful only when it’s over, or is it possible to be thankful along the way? 

We may not be “there,” but we can be “here,” for the moments of joy in this journey; maybe not thankful FOR the circumstances, but thankful IN the circumstances. We can embrace the side trip, the out-of-tune, the indulgences - even pajama pants - with thanks! We can, as James admonished, “count it all joy” when we face difficult times. We can, as Paul told the Philippians, “Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” We can, with Peter, “greatly rejoice, though now for a little while (we) may have had to suffer…” These aren’t suggestions; they are charges given because God wants His very best for us, which is more of Him. We will face trials - that’s a given. Managing those trials positively and in tandem with God brings such intimacy with Him, an intimacy that outweighs those trials and ushers in joy, gratitude, hope, and thanksgiving as we motor through the mucky roads.

Often, it’s only in hindsight that we view trying times with thanksgiving... that illness, that betrayal, that loss, that financial distress, that pandemic, that ______ (fill in the blank!) I’ve heard we shouldn’t look back if we’re to move forward, but there is much to be learned from a backward glance, especially when our rear-view mirror reveals just how God moved! In the midst, though, we need the reminder to “give thanks IN every circumstance.” This shifts our focus to God’s working IN the situation - and IN us - DURING the crisis. We may not seeHis working; we may not feelHis working. But accumulating hindsight experiences - instances that verify He always, always comes through, even if He comes through differently than we’d hoped - proves we can trust Him to come through again, and again, and again... and we can be thankful. Confidently, genuinely thankful. A God-honoring thankfulness that brings peace and focus to our situation through knowing, really knowing, that He is in control, that He will “Romans 8:28” any situation, because He’s “Romans 8:28-ed” every situation in the past. It’s that “knowing” that gives us courage to be thankful IN difficult situations, not just when we look at the road behind us. Thankful for His grace and mercy. Thankful that He is with us. Thankful that He wants His best for us. Thankful that He gives direction. Thankful that He provides. Thankful that He is faithful. Just thankful...for Him!

Thank you, Lord, that you can be trusted in every situation. Thank you for your sacrifice, your faithfulness, your great love for us, and the intimacy you desire to have with us. Thank you for using difficulties to draw us into that amazing intimacy with you. Thank you that your Holy Spirit directs, comforts, advocates, and produces the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in our lives, often through the challenging roads we traverse. Remind us, Lord, to be thankful in all circumstances...thankful for your pardon, your presence, your perfection, your power, your provision, your preparation, and your peace. Help us always to “Consider it pure joy, whenever we face trials of many kinds, because we know that the testing of our faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that we may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (from James 1:2-4)