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A Heart For Serving

Today’s Reading

1 Samuel 12:24

“But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you”. 

We are called to serve. There is no way to debate that statement. In some way, shape or form, we are to serve in the ways that the Lord created us. I have been attending The Point for about three years when I took a bold step out of my comfort zone and said, “Here I am, Lord. Use me to serve you.” That was the breakthrough moment when I felt at home and experienced the fullness of Christ. I felt like I was thriving. I was not thriving because of anything I did, but rather what the Lord did through me. He clearly showed me how I needed to serve when I made that step of obedience. 

Serving starts with the right mindset. One thing that I have learned during my time serving is the more I operate with the mindset of everything I do is serving the Lord, the more I find a complete and whole joy within myself and what I do. There have been times when I have had unenthusiastic thoughts about serving, but I am able to instantly discern that I am not operating with the mindset of Christ and in turn, change how I think. 

After you have developed a Christ-centered mindset, you can then move on to finding and or using the gifts you have been blessed with in a service capacity. The wonderful thing is we are called to different things! We do not have to be good at everything to serve Him. Although there are many different ways to build up the body of Christ, serving others is so powerful because it allows us to physically see with our eyes the effect that it has on people. Serving is a reflection of Jesus’ love and in order to build up the body of Christ it is imperative that we love through serving one another. 

Lastly, when the Lord births a calling in your heart, use it. If you think about it but never put it into action, then it is useless. The most genuine way to serve God on earth is to serve others. 


Think about a time in your life when someone served you. How did that make you feel? I encourage you to take the time to pray and seek out people in your life that you can serve.  Pray about how God wants to use you to serve Him for your good and His glory. Pray boldly. He will answer in amazing ways.


Dear Lord, thank You so much for the spiritual gifts You have given to each of us. We ask that You give us the courage and the faith to use our gifts to serve You with an undivided heart. Lord, we ask that You help us not to be self seeking but to truly birth in us the unshakable desire to serve You for Your glory. We want to add to Your joy, Lord. We love You. Amen.