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Do Whatever He Tells You

Today’s Reading
“His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” -John 2:5 (ESV)

While Jackson was hopping to the car trying to tie his shoe, Caroline was frantically looking for her inhaler. Meanwhile, our needy cat distracted Karis from putting on her coat. Then, the frenzied cry of nearly every tardy parent rang out. “If you did what I tell you to do when I tell you to do it, we might get there on time!” Perhaps I expressed myself a smidge more like a crazed fool than a wise sage, but you know those are timeless words.

I’m sure Jesus’ mother sounded more admirable when she made a similar point at the wedding at Cana. “Do whatever he tells you.” Sometime later Jesus directed the servants, and their immediate compliance led to the first miracle attesting to His identity as the Son of God. The fruit of their obedience revealed Jesus as the ruler over the material world, as well as compassionate and generous in caring for people. In fact, it was after this sign that many of Jesus’ disciples believed in him (John 2:23).

Can you imagine the astonishment of witnessing gallons of ordinary water turn into extraordinary wine? And notice Jesus spoke to servants in this passage (John 2:1-12). The Word made flesh directs His servants – those who have surrendered their lives for His will to be done. Nevertheless, what Jesus says can often cause even servants to pause. Daily we face decisions between serving ourselves and serving God. But, obedience will always be life giving in comparison to the natural consequences of ignoring Him. Ultimately, we are responsible for doing whatever He tells us.

The One who turned jars of water into wine, also calmed the roaring waves and walked on the sea as if it were glass. There’s no telling what we may forfeit when we don’t do what He says, but His glory and our ultimate good are always at stake. Today let’s respond like the wedding servants to His Word and indwelling Spirit. We may just catch a glimpse of Jesus at work in our lives like never before!

Where do you need to see Jesus turn ordinary things into extraordinary things?
The quality and quantity of God’s abundant provision was in accordance with servants doing whatever Jesus told them. What is He telling you to do? God’s glory and your blessing are on the other side of obeying.

It is not coincidental that “Do whatever Jesus tells you” was spoken at a celebration of a loving covenant. In fact Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). True love for Jesus shows itself in willing obedience. Ask the Lord to show you where disobedience has a foothold. Perhaps, begin your prayer time with confession and repentance. Psalm 51 is a great model.


Heavenly Father, thank You for being intimately involved in every detail of my life. Thank You for Your tremendous mercy and generosity. Jesus Christ, You alone are worthy to be Lord over every choice I face. Please send forth Your light and truth to direct my steps, and help me to be obedient. I love You, Jesus, and want to honor You. Amen.